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Equipment rule updates

*DH/GS suits – the FIS is moving away from metal plombs to a FIS sticker attached by the manufacturer.  By 2018-19 all suits will have to carry the sticker, and no metal plombs will be allowed.  So if your athletes are buying suits in the next couple of years, make sure they opt for the suits that have the “FIS Approved 2015” sticker.  It will be on the lower left leg, back side of ankle, on the outside of the seam.  If the sticker is in any other place it is not valid (similar to sticker location on helmets).  The sticker will be the same as the helmet, only the year changed to 2015.

*Helmets – look for stricter enforcement of the helmet rule in both FIS and USSA races.  The ‘FIS Approved 2013’ sticker must be on the helmet and put there by the manufacturer.  For USSA, this means all U14 and older athletes must have the sticker on their GS/SG/DH helmets – regardless if the race is scored or non-scored.

*Children/Youth skis – the new equipment rules don’t list lengths/widths/radius for some children’s events/skis, just that the skis have the event stamped/marked on them by the manufacturer.  Some manufacturers have made skis without the event stamped/marked on them.  This may pose a problem if someone wants to protest an athlete’s equipment.  The USSA equipment matrix link is below so you can see which skis are needed by each age group for each event.

2016 Alpine Equipment Matrix PDF